Synopsis: Their marriage lasted only slightly longer than the honeymoon—to no one’s
surprise, not even Bryony Asquith’s. A man as talented, handsome, and sought
after by society as Leo Marsden couldn't possibly want to spend his entire life
with a woman who rebelled against propriety by becoming a doctor. Why, then,
three years after their annulment and half a world away, does he track her down
at her clinic in the remotest corner of India? Leo has no reason to
think Bryony could ever forgive him for the way he treated her, but he won’t
rest until he’s delivered an urgent message from her sister—and fulfilled his
duty by escorting her safely back to England. But as they risk their lives for
each other on the journey home, will the biggest danger be the treacherous war
around them—or their rekindling passion? (from the back of the book)
Review: This story intrigued me, and I was not disappointed. The characters are well-rounded, flawed and have a real feel. The plot is good, and I enjoyed the use of real histroical events as a backdrop. My qualm with the novel was the frequent use of sex as interactions between the hero and heroine. It caught me off guard, and felt gratuitous. However, aside from that, the story has a marvelous, sigh-worthy ending, one I enjoyed more then most books.
Prude Note: The sex scenes are early, frequent and sometimes graphic. Despite the good story, this may not be the book for you if you wish to avoid extensive sex scenes.
Bookmarks: 6 of 10
Awards: 2010 Rita Award for Best Historical Romance
Date Finished: 7-22-2012
Pages: 340