Synopsis: In Outlaws of the Atlantic, award-winning historian Marcus
Rediker turns maritime history upside down. He explores the dramatic world of
maritime adventure, not from the perspective of admirals, merchants, and
nation-states but from the viewpoint of commoners—sailors, slaves, indentured
servants, pirates, and other outlaws from the late seventeenth to the early
nineteenth century. Bringing together their seafaring experiences for the first
time, Outlaws of the Atlantic is an unexpected and compelling peoples’ history
of the “age of sail.” With his signature bottom-up approach and insight, Rediker
reveals how the “motley”—that is, multiethnic—crews were a driving force behind
the American Revolution; that pirates, enslaved Africans, and other outlaws
worked together to subvert capitalism; and that, in the era of the tall ship,
outlaws challenged authority from below deck. By bringing these marginal seafaring characters into the
limelight, Rediker shows how maritime actors have shaped history that many have
long regarded as national and landed. And by casting these rebels by sea as
cosmopolitan workers of the world, he reminds us that to understand the rise of
capitalism, globalization, and the formation of race and class, we must look to
the sea. (from the back of the book)
Review: Often histories from the Age of Sail speak about the big names - Columbus, Nelson, Blackbeard - but this books, it gathers the voices of the lowly sailors, the slave, the common man. Exploring sailing, not just from the viewpoint of pirates, but also the sailors pressed into service during the wars, the slave transported across in unspeakable conditions, and the sailor who wrote about life as sea as a common laborer. The author did a fine job of making this interesting to read - with easy prose, moderate vocabulary, he struck a balance between easy-reading and scholarly works. It's also a fresh take on the history of sailing in the Atlantic, bringing to light several stories and voices not often heard. A fine addition to any maritime library!
Note: I received this free from LibraryThing's Early Reviewer program, in exchange for my fair and honest opinion
Bookmarks: 7 of 10
Awards: None
ISBN: 978-0-8070-3410-1
Date Finished: 5-19-2015
Pages: 241
No man can be called friendless who has God and the companionship of good books. ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Review: The Weed that Strings the Hangman's Bag by Alan Bradley (A Flavia de Luce Mystery, Book 2)

Review: Once again, I didn't actually read this. I listened to the audio book while traveling. As before, the incomparable Jane Entwistle brings Bradley's story to life. Bradley captures the essence of the change from child to adult. Flavia is beginning to lose some of her childlike shine and to take on some of the worn understanding of adulthood. The mystery is not the center of the book - Flavia is. Her adventures, her thoughts, her life, her family - that is the center of the story. The mystery is merely how we get to know her. My eagerness to watch Flavia grow is nearly overwhelming. I can't recommend this story enough, and in particular, the reading by Jane Entwistle.
Bookmarks: 8 of 10
Awards: None
ISBN: 978-0-385-34231-5
Date Finished: 5-19-2015
Pages: 358
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Review: The 5 Core Commitments by Mark Balmer

Review: This is a thin, simple little volume, and yet, it's extremely powerful. With clear prose, Balmer expands and explains these five concepts. Together, these tenets make up the aspects of the Christian life. As Christians, we commit to Christ, we celebrate Him, we connect to Him and other Christians, we communicate through prayer and the Bible, and we contribute - time, money, talents. While not deep concepts, and certainly nothing new, it was a timely reminder and something good to hear. This is worth reading, even if you don't attend this church. It's a good primer on the Christian life and beliefs.
Bookmarks: 7 of 10
Awards: None
ISBN: 1935144251
Date Finished: 3-17-2015
Pages: 131
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Review: The Empress of Earth by Melissa Scott (The Roads of Heaven, Book 3)

Review: As the third and last in the series, I was pleased to finally reach the conclusion. Using the items gained in the last novel, Silence, her husbands, and her master set out to find a way to Earth. I found the description of the process interesting, although it took a more of the book than I think it should have. Once on Earth, our intrepid heroes spend an enormous amount of time of the learning about Earth, it's cultures and people - and why it's been cut off from the rest of human race. The Rose Worlders keep Earth trapped and the pollution controlled with machines. Silence and her crew spend the last few chapters setting up a rebellion - and then in the last few pages - everything happened at once. Literally, the entire rebellion, all the action, all the wrap up - all of it - 5 pages, max. While the story (this one, and the trilogy as a whole) is a good story, I was often baffled by the part of the story that Scott choose to focus on. Why the whole thing with the gang and the farm people and the entire chapter about them traveling in a train?
In the end, it's a good story and a good trilogy, worth reading, but I haven't quite figured out Scott's style of writing yet.
Bookmarks: 7 of 10
Awards: None
ISN: 0-671-65364-4
Date Finished: 5-11-2015
Pages: 346
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Review: Neil Gaimen's Lady Justice by C.J. Henderson et. al. (FCBD Edition)

Review: This wasn't as good as I thought, given that it's based on an concept by Neil Gaiman and the cover which looked amazballs. It was lack-luster, predictable, and a bit cheesy. While I still think the concept and art have potential, and I might even try a another volume, but this one - not so much.
Bookmarks: 6 of 10
Awards: None
ISBN: 0043016042183
Date Finished: 5-9-2015
Pages: 13
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Review: Tales of Honor #0: Bred to Kill by Matt Hawkins and Linda Sejic (Honor Harrington FCBS Edition)
Synopsis: A short tale from David Weber's Honorverse, staring Honor Harrington. This is a Free Comic Book Day 2015 Edition
Review: I enjoyed this! Honor Harrington is a bad-ass character, once I enjoy reading. With pleasing art, color, and style, and some fast-paced dialogue, this was a fine read. Makes me want to read more!
Bookmarks: 7 of 10
Awards: None
ISBN: None
Date Finished: 5-9-2015
Pages: 11
Review: I enjoyed this! Honor Harrington is a bad-ass character, once I enjoy reading. With pleasing art, color, and style, and some fast-paced dialogue, this was a fine read. Makes me want to read more!
Bookmarks: 7 of 10
Awards: None
ISBN: None
Date Finished: 5-9-2015
Pages: 11
Monday, May 11, 2015
Review: Silence in Solitude by Melissa Scott (The Roads of Heaven Trilogy, Book 2)

Review: This is the second in Scott's The Roads of Heaven trilogy, and unlike in many ways to the first. This novel starts with Silence in mage-training, but tevents force her, her husbands (yes, both of them) and her magus master on the run. To escape, they are forced to make a deal with an old acquaintance of her master. He will remove the price on their head and give them the map to Earth they need in exchange for the impossible - Silence must rescue his daughter and heir from the heart of the very government trying to capture them. Again the story starts a bit slow, but picks up quickly and by the end, is edge-of-your-seat. I liked watching Silence grow. Having spent most of her life with men, in a "man's" job, or being asked to pretend to be a man (or to act less female) it was interesting to see her navigate an entirely feminine setting. Even though she is female, she holds most females in contempt, doubting their intelligence and worth - simply because they are not like her. To see her change as a character made the book that much more interesting.
There are some cheesy bit, and the end was a bit far-fetched (SPOILER: I mean, if you can change or damage another ship's keelsong that easily, why doesn't everyone do that?) But in the end, the story is not about the battle of the Hegemon and I understand what Scott didn't want to spend loads of time on that. The story is about getting to Earth - and by the end of this second novel, Silence, her Husbands and her mentor have all they need to make the trip. I'm eager for the third and final to see where Scott takes us on this journey.
Bookmarks: 7 of 10
Awards: None
ISBN: 0-671-65699-7
Date Finished: 5-8-2015
Pages: 313
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Review: Five-Twelfths of Heaven by Melissa Scott (The Roads of Heaven Trilogy, Book 1)

Review: I acquired the second and third in the series from The Great Sci-Fi Book Haul of 2013. It took me two years to find the first (which I did about three weeks ago) - and yes, I could have purchased it on amazon, but the cheapest was always about $5-$7 and I didn't want to pay that. By holding out, I got it for free.
The book took me a while to get into. The plot starts slow, but picks up quickly, and becomes richer and more engaging as the book progresses. Silence Leigh is an interesting character set in an complex world. Most of her world is controlled by a Hegemony, a social system where women are little more than slaves, without rights or power. Into the system comes Silence, who was raised in the Fringe by a grandfather who supported her desire to be a star ship pilot - something unheard of in the Hegemony. In the end, events force her into a marriage of convenience with two men - yes, a triple marriage. The author, Scott, is apparently known for the gender-bending sexuality of her novels. Since this is my first Scott, I can't speak to more of that.
The most interesting part of the Scott's world building is space flight. It took me until nearly the end of the book to figure out the details, but once I did, I find the system fascinating. To fly by music, literally, is creative and intriguing. And then to add it the concept of magus, and their abilities to bend or manipulate reality. It almost has a Star Wars feel - magic and machine, technology and fantasy blended.
I was also pleasantly surprised by how modern it felt - being that is was published in 1985, I expect some dated references but they're weren't any that I could detect. No gold-lamé jumpsuits or green bulbous aliens or laser swords. Scott did an excellent job of creating logical technology and systems that give the story a credible feel.
In the end, while this book isn't a stay-up-into-the-wee-smaws sort of story, I enjoyed it and I'm looking forward to reading the next two.
Bookmarks: 7 of 10
Awards: None
ISBN: 0-671-55952-4
Date Finished: 5-1-2015
Pages: 339
Monday, May 4, 2015
Ramble: Free Comic Book Day
While I have heard of this marvelous phenomenon, Free Comic Book Day, for several years, I don't usually get a chance to participate.
Not this year! I actually heard about it in time, and rallied my troops (a.k.a. fellow nerd-friends) and we trooped off to our local comic book shop to partake.
While the shop usually only lets adults take one, the owner let me take two - we go in a lot and buy things, so he likes me.
Here is what I picked up:
Tales of Honor - the Graphic Novel based on David Weber's Honor Harrington series, which I have, although I haven't read. I do enjoy bad-ass female military stories, and this is just the thing.
Neil Gaiman's Lady Justice - I was attracted to the cover and the title, and then when I saw the author? Well, that sealed the deal. I enjoy Gaiman's work, even if I don't always understand it. And this just looked fabulous!
PS: Husband got this one. We aren't Canadian, nor do we have many friends who are. He got it purely for the humorous factor.
Not this year! I actually heard about it in time, and rallied my troops (a.k.a. fellow nerd-friends) and we trooped off to our local comic book shop to partake.
While the shop usually only lets adults take one, the owner let me take two - we go in a lot and buy things, so he likes me.
Here is what I picked up:
Tales of Honor - the Graphic Novel based on David Weber's Honor Harrington series, which I have, although I haven't read. I do enjoy bad-ass female military stories, and this is just the thing.
Neil Gaiman's Lady Justice - I was attracted to the cover and the title, and then when I saw the author? Well, that sealed the deal. I enjoy Gaiman's work, even if I don't always understand it. And this just looked fabulous!
PS: Husband got this one. We aren't Canadian, nor do we have many friends who are. He got it purely for the humorous factor.
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Review: Delavier's Women's Strength Training Anatomy Workouts by Frédéric Delavier and Michael Gundill
Synopsis: Delavier’s Women’s Strength Training Anatomy Workouts
delivers the exercises, programming, and advice you need for the results you
want. Based on the anatomical features unique to women, this new guide sets the
standard for women’s strength training. 290 full-color illustrations allow you to see inside 157
exercises and 49 programs for strengthening, sculpting, and developing your
arms, chest, back, shoulders, abs, legs, and glutes. Step-by-step instructions work in tandem with the anatomical
illustrations to ensure understanding of maximizing the efficiency of each
exercise. You’ll see how muscles interact with surrounding joints and skeletal
structures and learn how variations of movements can isolate specific muscles
and achieve targeted results. Delavier’s Women’s Strength Training Anatomy includes proven
programming for reducing fat, adding lean muscle, and sculpting every body
region. Whether you’re beginning a program or enhancing an existing routine,
working out at home or at the gym, it’s all here and all in the stunning detail
that only Frédéric Delavier can provide. (from the back of the book)
Review: I reviewed Delavier's Mixed Martial Arts Anatomy book a few years ago. So when I saw this one up for review, I eagerly applied to review it. It did not disappoint! If possible, this was even better. Once again, I was impressed with the clear, precise instructions, the clean text, the sturdy construction of the book, and the easy-to-understand organization and layout. Delavier's ability to gather and compress a large quantity of information into an understandable format is impressive. Again, as a novice, I found the instructions and examples free from jargon, easy to follow, and logical. The book is organized into three parts - instructions on how to develop your personal program, the exercises, and then suggested programs depending on your goals. The exercises take up the bulk of the book, each one detailed with drawings and precise instructions. Delavier adds multiple precautions and warnings about how to do these movements without injury and I appreciate that.
In the end, this is an excellent book that will assist any female looking to begin or improve her strength training exercises.
Note: I received this free as part of LibraryThing's Early Reviewers program, in exchange for my fair and honest opinion
Bookmarks: 8 of 10
Awards: None
ISBN: 978-1-4504-6603-5
Date Finished: 5-2-2015
Pages: 351
Review: I reviewed Delavier's Mixed Martial Arts Anatomy book a few years ago. So when I saw this one up for review, I eagerly applied to review it. It did not disappoint! If possible, this was even better. Once again, I was impressed with the clear, precise instructions, the clean text, the sturdy construction of the book, and the easy-to-understand organization and layout. Delavier's ability to gather and compress a large quantity of information into an understandable format is impressive. Again, as a novice, I found the instructions and examples free from jargon, easy to follow, and logical. The book is organized into three parts - instructions on how to develop your personal program, the exercises, and then suggested programs depending on your goals. The exercises take up the bulk of the book, each one detailed with drawings and precise instructions. Delavier adds multiple precautions and warnings about how to do these movements without injury and I appreciate that.
In the end, this is an excellent book that will assist any female looking to begin or improve her strength training exercises.
Note: I received this free as part of LibraryThing's Early Reviewers program, in exchange for my fair and honest opinion
Bookmarks: 8 of 10
Awards: None
ISBN: 978-1-4504-6603-5
Date Finished: 5-2-2015
Pages: 351
Friday, May 1, 2015
Review: The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley (Flavia de Luce, Book 1)
Synopsis: It is the summer of 1950–and at the once-grand mansion of
Buckshaw, young Flavia de Luce, an aspiring chemist with a passion for poison,
is intrigued by a series of inexplicable events: A dead bird is found on the
doorstep, a postage stamp bizarrely pinned to its beak. Then, hours later,
Flavia finds a man lying in the cucumber patch and watches him as he takes his
dying breath. For Flavia, who is both appalled and delighted, life begins
in earnest when murder comes to Buckshaw. “I wish I could say I was afraid, but
I wasn’t. Quite the contrary. This was by far the most interesting thing that
had ever happened to me in my entire life.” (from the back of the book)
Review: To be fair, I only actually read the last bit of this novel. For most of it, I listened to the lovely Jayne Entwistle bring the story to life via audio book. It was brilliant. Her crisp voice read Bradley's words with a lively, clean, sound. And Bradley's words - oh, the simile, the vocabulary, the literary references - delightful. The main character, Flavia, is endearing and enchanting. I should like to have a child like her. He perfectly captured the mind of an eleven-year-old girl. The plot, twisting and twinning, characters full of mystery, the emotional depth all combine to make a nearly perfect novel. I'm hooked - utterly and completely, and I must have more of this marvelous story.
Bookmarks: 8 of 10
Awards: Agatha Award, Best First Novel 2009, Alex Award 2010 (Nominated), Amelia Bloomer List, Young Adult Fiction 2010, Anthony Award, Best First Novel 2010 (Nominated), Arthur Ellis Awards, Best First Novel 2010, Barry Award, Best First Novel 2010 , Dilys Award 2010, Macavity Awards, Best First Mystery Novel 2010, Spotted Owl Award 2010, YALSA Best Books for Young Adults 2010, YRCA, Senior Division 2012 (Nominated)
ISBN: 978-0-385-34349-7
Date Finished: 4-29-2015
Pages: 370
Review: To be fair, I only actually read the last bit of this novel. For most of it, I listened to the lovely Jayne Entwistle bring the story to life via audio book. It was brilliant. Her crisp voice read Bradley's words with a lively, clean, sound. And Bradley's words - oh, the simile, the vocabulary, the literary references - delightful. The main character, Flavia, is endearing and enchanting. I should like to have a child like her. He perfectly captured the mind of an eleven-year-old girl. The plot, twisting and twinning, characters full of mystery, the emotional depth all combine to make a nearly perfect novel. I'm hooked - utterly and completely, and I must have more of this marvelous story.
Bookmarks: 8 of 10
Awards: Agatha Award, Best First Novel 2009, Alex Award 2010 (Nominated), Amelia Bloomer List, Young Adult Fiction 2010, Anthony Award, Best First Novel 2010 (Nominated), Arthur Ellis Awards, Best First Novel 2010, Barry Award, Best First Novel 2010 , Dilys Award 2010, Macavity Awards, Best First Mystery Novel 2010, Spotted Owl Award 2010, YALSA Best Books for Young Adults 2010, YRCA, Senior Division 2012 (Nominated)
ISBN: 978-0-385-34349-7
Date Finished: 4-29-2015
Pages: 370
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