Thursday, October 25, 2018

Review: Bacon & Butter: The Ultimate Ketogenic Diet Cookbook by Celby Richoux

Synopsis: For many of us, the idea of dieting conveys unpleasant notions of flavorless piles of lettuce and overpriced freezer meals. But the secret to losing weight isn’t starving yourself or eating processed “diet food.” With Bacon & Butter: The Ultimate Ketogenic Diet Cookbook you’ll begin dropping pounds immediately—and learn how to keep them off for good—by following a low-carb, high-fat ketogenic diet packed with tasty, wholesome meals that you’ll love. Your journey towards a healthier life and slimmer waistline begins here and now, with useful features such as:
-150 delicious ketogenic diet recipes that will keep your body in ketosis, complete with nutritional information for each recipe
-Clear guidance on what ketosis is and which foods are truly keto-friendly
-Knowledgeable guidance from Celby Richoux who has experienced firsthand the incredible, transformative results of the ketogenic diet
-Ideas for how to stick to your new ketogenic diet—from common social situations like office parties to holiday dinners.
Whether you've come to keto through the guidance of your doctor or you're looking for a sustainable way to lose weight, Bacon and Butter is your complete ketogenic diet resource for keeping your diet on track and your taste buds happy. (from the online description)

Review: As with other Keto-centered (or Low-Carb) cookbooks, this one starts with an overview of the science behind Keto and the reasons for adopting it. It then moves into recipes from breakfast, condiments, different proteins, vegetables, and desserts.
The first section, on Keto, is simple and lacks depth or any real science. However, having read most of the science, it is accurate, if overly-simplified.
The recipes that follow are nothing spectacular, but solid and tasty-looking. You can probably find variations on all of them free on the internet. A few that caught my eye were desserts that did NOT use fake-sweeteners, something rare in Keto-cooking. I copied those out for my edification, as well as several for stuffed chicken thighs and a salmon recipe with chipotle cream sauce.
The recipes are clear and concise, easy to follow, with no unique or special cooking techniques and do not require anything kitchen tools but what is generally found in the average kitchen.
Worth reading, if you want solid Keto recipes, but you might be better served by borrowing this volume from the library or a friend.  

Bookmarks: 3 of 5

Awards: None

ISBN: 978-1-62315-520-9
Year Published: 2014
Date Finished: 10-1-2018
Pages: 248

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