Saturday, June 22, 2019

Review: Major Operation by James White (Sector General, Book 3)

Synopsis: The five short stories in the book are related to a new world called Meatball. In the first story, Invader, a series of strange accidents at the hospital lead Conway to suspect an alien presence. In the second story, Monitor Corps discovers an alien spinning ship near Meatball and brings it to the hospital in order to rescue the pilot. And finally, Conway joins a Monitor mission to Meatball for a major operation.

Review: Another of White’s fun collections following Dr. Conway on Sector General – and off! This book reads like a 5-Part TV series with each series containing a small part of the larger story as well as a smaller story that resolves during the episode. Originally published as a serial story in a magazine, this book combines all of them into one cohesive unit. And it’s a fun read! A little darker then White’s normal story (more direct talk of death) but worth reading. Strange and deadly creatures, a sick planet, and a mystery that might kill everyone before it gets solved!
As always, White is perfect for anyone tired of the traditional science fiction. There a few solid medical science fiction novels around and this is a perfect edition to the collection. Worth reading!

Bookmarks: 4 of 5

Awards: None

ISBN: 0-345-29381-9
Year Published: 1966-1970 (Copyright 1971)
Date Finished: 4-15-2019
Pages: 183

1 comment:

  1. Good. Groovy. You're opinionated.
    Me,2. Unbelievable how Christlike.
    We must talk bout evrythin in 7th
    Heaven over drinks at the RongWay
    Bar (God has'm all over the universe
    like in Coriscant [dunno which flik
    that was in Star Wars]) and pretzels.
    Yes, dear, sHe wants us2fantacize.
    We'll be there forever don't forget.
    Follow me2the Wedding Feast,doll:
    ● ●
    Cya soon, miss adorable...
