Synopsis: Ronnie and his aunt are tending the Tern Rock lighthouse for two December weeks while its keeper takes a much-needed vacation. Ronnie learns to love the slap of the waves against the Rock, sleeping in a bunk, climbing the winding staircase, and lighting the great lamp each night, and he looks forward to telling his family about it at Christmas. But the days go by, and the lighthouse keeper doesn't return to take them home...
Review: This is a short, crisp little book. Despite it's sparse nature, each word matters. Aunt Martha and Ronnie are round, whole characters and they felt alive. The description of the lighthouse is simple and delicate, each word rich in meaning. The author accomplished much with few words. I enjoyed this short read more then I thought I would.
Bookmarks: 7 of 10
Awards: Newbery Medal 1952
Date Finished: 05-01-2011
Pages: 60
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