Synopsis: This story of the first woman to receive a U.S. patent makes an excellent introduction to inventors and Womens History Month. Knight used tools inherited from her father to design and build her inventions. As a child, she was always sketching one of her brainstorms for toys and kites for her brothers. She once designed a foot warmer for her mother. Although it was never patented, Knights design for a safer loom saved textile workers from injuries and death. Later as an adult, she fought in court and won the right to patent her most famous invention, a machine that would make paper bags. (from the amazon description)
Review: This is a children's book about a young woman later named "The Lady Edison" it's concise, well-written and despite the sparse words, does an excellent job of telling to story of Margaret E. Knight. The illustrations as a wonderful touch - not only pictures, but reprints of Knight's actual notebook! This is an excellent book for young girls.
Bookmarks: 7 of 10
Awards: None
Date Finished: 7-8-11
Pages: 32
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