Synopsis: This book travels through the major rivers of North America, starting with those in New England the East, traveling to the Midwest and Southwest, then up to the Northwest and Alaska. Each geographic section includes a short article on the region as a whole, and then a two-four page article on each river, documenting the culture, history, exploration, industry and environment of the river. Spaced throughout are the glorious pictures usually found in book by National Geographic
Review: I enjoyed this book. First, the pictures were stunning. Not only were their the usual brilliant current photos, but also included where some older photos that supplement the history written about each river. Second, the history was fascinating. It was a pleasing blend of fact and travel memoirs, tales of adventures and tragedies and bits of culture and sociology. I added at least four places to my list of Places-I-Must-Visit due to the writing alone. In conclusion, I recommend this book to any who enjoy traveling, who are teaching kids about ecology and industry and who wish to get ideas about fascinating places to visit.
Bookmarks: 7.5 of 10
Awards: None
Date Finished: 8-21-2011
Pages: 197
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