Synopsis: The universe isn’t what it used to be. With the new Alliance between the Triad
and the United Coalition, Captain Tasha “Sass” Sebastian finds herself serving
under her former nemesis, biocybe Admiral Branden Kel-Paten–and doing her best
to hide a deadly past. But when an injured mercenary winds up in their ship’s
sick bay–and in the hands of her best friend, Dr. Eden Fynn–Sass’s efforts may
be wasted.
Wanted rebel Jace Serafino has information that could expose
all of Sass’s secrets, tear the fragile Alliance apart–and end Sass’s career if
Kel-Paten discovers them. But the biocybe has something to hide as well,
something once thought impossible for his kind to possess: feelings . . . for
Sass. Soon it’s clear that their prisoner could bring down everything they once
believed was worth dying for–and everything they now have to live for. (from the back of the book)
Review: This was a delightful book. The relationship between Kel-Paten and Sass, the humor, the tension, the romance - it's perfect. Sinclair is a master. Her stories are intricate, fast-paced, with distinct, complete characters in a believable story with a twist to the end. Unlike so many romance books, this one has meat on it's bones. It's more then just love-tale; There is mystery, suspense, action, humor and yes - love. I highly recommend, not just this story, but most of Sinclair's work.
Prude Note: There are 2 major sex scenes. They are not graphic and are important to the characters. You can skip over them if you wish, and it won't ruin the story.
Bookmarks: 9 of 10
Awards: None
Date Finished: 7-5-2012
Pages: 525
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