Synopsis: When a rash of robberies hits the town of Half Moon Bay, 11-year-old sleuths Nick and Tesla are determined to catch the criminals - but to do so, they'll have to build a host of new gadgets and gizmos! In this robot-themed follow-up to Nick and Tesla' High-Voltage Danger Lab, the brother-and-sister duo build four different droids out of ordinary household objects - and illustrated instructions are included throughout the story, so you can build them, too! Can Nick and Tesla catch the criminal mastermind - and foil his army of rampaging robots - before it's too late?(from the back of the book)
Review: I wasn't sure what to expect when from this book. But whatever it was, this book
was more.
Nick and Tesla are twins, living with their crazy inventor Uncle
Newt in a the small town of Half Moon Bay. Inventors and Science Nuts
themselves, Nick and Tesla find themselves using their brains, friendships and
random spare parts to solve mysteries.
Here is what I enjoyed about this
1. I laughed out loud at least 17 times.
2. I didn't know who did
it until the end.
3. There are instructions for building robots in the text
- clear, easy, make-you-want-to-run-out-and-do-it-now-instructions.
creative prose, engaging plot, witty humor, likeable characters and an extra
helping of nerdy jargon and science smarts, this book is everything I'd want my
kids to read. I intend to recommend this all my friends - those with and without
children, and I intend to give this away as presents as often as possible. I
highly recommend.
I received an free ARC through LibraryThings Early
Reviewer Program in exchange for my honest opinion.
Bookmarks: 8 of 10
Awards: None
Date Finished: 9-23-2013
Pages: 214
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