Synopsis: Written from the viewpoint of a child, Ruth of Boston follows Ruth, a 13 year-old girl who travels from her home in England to the New World. With her family and the others from their ship, they build the first homes and buildings in what will become Boston. The author takes time to explain the mundane in details - clothing, food, homes, school, community life.
Review: This book began well. Ruth is a lively, observant character, remarking on all the strange new things she sees. Her inner struggle with the religious morality verses her own thoughts gave the reader a peak at the conflict that might be present in a Puritan community. My qualm with this work was how it ended. Badly. It broke off. Ruth spoke about attacks from the Indians, then she ended the diary - no reason, no closer, just the End. It felt like there should be a more, a second volume, a second part - something. I highly recommend for children, age 6 to 9, who wish to learn more about the beginnings of our country. However, be prepared for questions at the end.
Bookmarks: 6 of 10
Awards: None
ISBN: None (Published in 1910)
Date Finished: 10-29-2013
Pages: 160
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