Synopsis: His career as an instructor at Starbidge Academy was a second change for Serge LaRoche, a gifted musician. Until a freak accident took away his hands. For young Heather Farley, brilliant but undisciplined, Starbridge was a first change at the security and stability she had been without all her life. but now an incredible archaeological find beneath the cold surface of the school's asteroid base threatens their dream for the future - and the future of StarBridge itself... (from the back of the book)
Review: This is, so far, my favorite Starbridge book. Unlike the other three, that started out slow, this one starts with a breakneck speed. More so than the others, I felt connected to the characters, in particular Heather. Seeing how she changed and grew was interesting. Unlike the others, I found this was slightly darker and sad as well as romantic, fascinating and intriguing. The mystery had enough twists and turns that even though I figured out the bad guy early on, I wasn't sure how or why until the end. Again, I recommend this entire series to someone who enjoys a classic, excellent-done science fiction story.
Bookmarks: 7.5 of 10
Awards: None
ISBN: 0-441-78331-7
Date Finished: 12-7-2013
Pages: 295
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