Synopsis: This third installment of the series, 11-year-old whiz-kids Nick and Tesla discover that someone in the quiet town of Half Moon Bay has placed their beloved Uncle Newt under electronic surveillance—but who is spying on him, and why? To expose the secret agent, Nick and Tesla build all kinds of outrageous contraptions. Throughout the book, the narrative is interrupted by blueprints and instructions so that budding young inventors can follow along. Science and electronics have never been so much fun! (from the back of the book)
Review: I was excited the receive this third installment of the Nick and Tesla series. I enjoyed the second book and was eager to read more!
I had a hard moment getting into the first chapter, mostly because I forgot the cliff-hanger at the end of the second book. Once I remember (which the author reminded us about within a few pages), it was smooth sailing for there. The story is a bit more serious this time around, as Nick and Tesla aren't dealing with an outside villain, like the robot army, but with a villain intent on harming them. The danger is much closer to home. But like the second book, the gadgets are intriguing and exciting, the story moves at a brisk pace, with ups and downs and mystery and plot twists and crazy antics and outlandish characters. I love that there is bit a silliness in with the serious. The author has an ingenious talent for mixing hard science with the importance of family and the real fears that might beset tweens. I highly recommend this book and this series!
I received an free ARC through LibraryThings Early Reviewer Program in exchange for my honest opinion.
Bookmarks: 7.5 of 10
Awards: Kids' Indie Next List Pick Series Winner
ISBN: 978-1-59474-676-5
Date Finished: 1-11-2014
Pages: 256
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