Review: I picked this up at a book sale because it's written by Nouwen and he's an author I always grab if I can. I read it because it was chosen by The Facebook Method. I hated it. It's fluffy, saccharine and weak. I get that he is writing for secular Jews. I get that it's not for Christians. But seriously, it's so fru-fru. There is nothing about WHY we need Christ. I agree that it is nice to hear God loves us, and how much He loves us. But this sort of nonsense is what let's people think they can be Christian without facing sin and repentance. This isn't to say there weren't some good points and quotes. But not enough to redeem this work. I would not recommend this unless someone specifically told me this is what they struggled with. I'm sure there are people who would find this book to say just want they need to hear about God. But for me, I think there are better works out there.
Bookmarks: 5 of 10
Awards: None
ISBN: 0-8245-1986-8
Date Finished: 2-27-2014
Pages: 156
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