Synopsis: The Declaration of Independence - the Constitution -the Bill of Rights - the Gettysburg Address - these are documents that very American knows instinctively are important part of heritage. These and the other great documents in this book chart the progress of man's quest for freedom on this continent, and of his monumental achievement in building and maintaining a free society. This book is meant to be read. It includes photographs of all the original document available, but each document is also published in large, readable type, so that the citizen, young and old, may not merely possess, but read and know, understand and cherish.
(from the back of the book)
Review: This is a fine book to have in any collection. The documents are presented in an easy to read format, with small paragraphs introducing the writer and history of each one. I wish they had included some of the less well known documents - perhaps speeches from John Adams or FDR. In this day and age, you can find all these documents easily on the internet. But I think it's a good thing to have them in hard copy in my home.
Bookmarks: 7 of 10
Awards: None
Date Published: 1967
Date Finished: 7-10-2014
Pages: 87
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