Synopsis: Eleven-year-old Chike longs to cross the Niger River to the
city of Asaba, but he doesn’t have the sixpence he needs to pay for the ferry
ride. With the help of his friend S.M.O.G., he embarks on a series of
adventures to help him get there. Along the way, he is exposed to a range of
new experiences that are both thrilling and terrifying, from eating his first
skewer of suya under the shade of a mango tree, to visiting the village
magician who promises to double the money in his pocket. Once he finally makes
it across the river, Chike realizes that life on the other side is far
different from his expectations, and he must find the courage within him to
make it home. (online description)
Review: This is a unique book. Written by Achebe, famous for his work Things Fall Apart, this is children's book. I enjoyed tagging along on Chike as he discoverers truths about himself, his friends and his world. I enjoyed reading about Africa from a non-western viewpoint. I highly recommend this as an fine addition to any child's library, something to add diversity and non-western thought.
Bookmarks: 7 of 10
Awards: None
ISBN: 978-0-307-47386-8
Date Finished: 10-12-2014
Pages: 88
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