Synopsis: Hawks had refused to help the ambitious Lazlo Chen in his quest to find the five gold rings that could break Master System's hold over humankind - and that refusal had landed him on the deadly prison planet of Melchior. But when Hawks and some fellow prisoners engineered a bold escape, it seemed almost too easy. Hawks guessed that Chen was pulling the strings, but he couldn't shake the feeling that there was a another, greater power involved. And that scared him. Now the stakes are rising, and Hawks was more determined than ever to find the gold rings. But Master System was out to capture him, and Chen was trying to follow him - and the only place his small band of rebels could hide was smack in the middle of pirate territory.... (from the back of the book)
Review: The book is aptly named, being that most of the story is spent setting up their pirate operation, and not hunting the rings. And while I enjoyed it, I'm concerned being that they still need to secure all five rings and they only have two more books to do it in. I enjoyed the new characters introduced, and the further exploration of the original. And again, bad things happen. People die. There is more ship-to-ship battles, and I really liked Chalker take on space travel and how that worked. I'm still hooked on the series, and just as eager to see where it leads as I was at the end of the first book - and more so with this one because of the hung mystery dumped into the story in the last chapter!
Bookmarks: 7 of 10
Awards: None
ISBN: 0-345-32561-3
Date Finished: 4-13-2015
Pages: 306
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