Review: I asked to review this because I enjoy fairy tales, or thought I did. Turned out, I'm not a fan of Victorian Fairy Tales. Other reviewers commented on the depth, complexity, and meaning of the story - but I didn't see it. Half the time, it made no sense to me. Perhaps because I am an adult? Children find meaning and magic in places that we old folk cannot. We have forgotten how.
The story is not linear, but follows the very fairy tale
method of time being relative, repetition in characters, how good and evil were
clearly marked. The main characters were too insipid for my taste, but I found
the flying fish that became fairies when you ate them, and how the old the Great
Gods became, the younger they looked, to be clever and enjoyable.
The redeeming quality of this book is Sanderson's
illustrations. They are magnificent. Detailed, magical, expressive - everything
you'd want from the pictures in a fairy story. It's worth buying the book for
the pictures alone!
Note: I received this book free through LibraryThing's Early Reviewer Program in exchange for my fair and honest opinion.
Bookmarks: 6 of 10 for the story / 8 of 10 for the illustrations
Awards: None
ISBN: 978-0-8028-5456-8
Year Published: September 2016
Date Finished: 6/27/2016
Pages: 136
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