Don't miss the special purple activity pages in the back of
the book! (from the online description)
Review: This book is written with a young reader (K-4th, maybe) in mind, not for an adult such as myself. But, I’ve been a MLP fan since I was young enough to read this, and T-Spark is my favorite.
This reads just like an episode of the show – cute, sweet,
with a dash of adventure and mystery, and of course, Friendship is always the
answer. I felt this was nearly direct re-hash of at least one episode of the
show (evil object turns pony against others) which was disappointing.
The real reason to read it is the backstory for Princess Cadence.
Not sure if these books are considered Canon or not, but if so, it is worth it
for that alone. However, it raised more questions than it answers about the
origins of Alicorns, particularly consider that Cadence’s daughter, Flurry
Heart, was born one.
While I will eventually want the entire collection, I’m not
running out this moment to buy the rest of the series. This is a good easy
read, suited for young MLP fans to practice their reading skills with. But for
older collectors, this book might disappoint as far as substance.
Bookmarks: 3 of 5
Awards: None
ISBN: 978-0-316-22819-0
Year Published: 2013
Date Finished: 10-7-2017
Pages: 131
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