Synopsis: Sometimes, we fall in love on mission trips even though we
know we’ll break up when we get back. Sometimes, you have to shot block a
friend’s prayer because she’s asking God to bless an obviously bad dating
relationship. Sometimes, you think, “I wish I had a t-shirt that said ‘I direct
deposit my tithe’ so people wouldn’t judge me.” Sometimes, the stuff that comes
with faith is funny. This is that stuff. Jonathan Acuff’s Stuff Christians Like
is your field guide to all things Christian. In it you’ll learn the culinary
magic of the crock-pot. Think you’ve got a Metro worship leader—Use Acuff’s
checklist. Want to avoid a prayer handholding faux pas? Acuff has you covered.
Like a satirical grenade, Acuff brings us the humor and honesty that galvanized
more than a million online readers from more than 200 countries in a new
portable version. Welcome to the funny side of faith. (from the online
Review: As someone raised in church, I found this book both humorous
and nostalgic. Much of what the author says I have experienced. Everything for
the “side hug”, the “preaching prayer” and the “metro worship leader”. Acuff offers astute observations about the
modern American church, admonishing our behaviors under the guise of pointing
out our humorous absurdities. However,
often his humor overshadows the truths and he trivializes many things. His offers
humor at the expenses of truth. This lessens the value of his words. The American
church would do very well to head much of what he says, but he lacks force
behind his words, choosing humor to soften the admonishments. I would prefer a
little less humor and more strong words. Having said that, Acuff is an
excellent starting point for self-examination and examination of our church.
Worth reading, even if it isn’t deep, it still has things to teach.
Bookmarks: 3.5 of 5
Awards: None
ISBN: 978-0-310-31994-8
Year Published: 2010
Date Finished: 2-11-2018
Pages: 207
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