Jorg would be emperor. It is a position not to be gained by the sword but rather by vote. And never in living memory has anyone secured a majority of the vote, leaving the Broken Empire long without a leader. Jorg plans to change that. He’s uncovered the lost technology of the land, and he won’t hesitate to use it.
But he soon finds an adversary standing in his way, a necromancer unlike any he has ever faced—a figure hated and feared even more than himself: the Dead King. (from the online description)
Review: The last in the Broken Empire trilogy, we’ve followed Jorg down a dark and bloody path. Here, we see the end.
Jorg has never hidden his ambition or his desire to rule
over all. In this book, he sets out to use all his cunning and ruthlessness to
achieve it. But the Dead King – the Dead King is coming.
As with the previous, we see the split time – following Jorg
via the present and the past. Lawrence uses a deft hand, taking the reader from
the past to the present, interweaving the stories.
The ending – no spoilers – but many people didn’t like it.
However, I found it perfect for the story. It ended the journey in the only way
it could, with redemption. This story, ultimately, was about redemption, about
taking the sorry and death and suffering of the past and making it matter.
This is a fantastic series, worth reading. It is bloody and
dark, to be sure, but that is what makes it the story that it is.
Awards: None
ISBN: 978-0-425-25654-1
Year Published: 2013
Date Finished: 6-7-2018
Pages: 399
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