...Into the forbidden city of Rhuidean, where Rand al'Thor, now the Dragon Reborn, must conceal his present endeavor from all about him, even Egwene and Moiraine.
...Into the Amyrlin's study in the White Tower, where Amyrlin, Flaida do Avriny a 'Roihan, is weaving new plans.
...Into the luxurious hidden chamber where the Forsaken Rahvin is meeting with three of his fellows to ensure their ultimate victory over the Dragon.
...Into the Queen's court in Caemlyn, where Morgase is curiously in thrall to the handsome Lord Gaebril.
For once the Dragon walks the land, the fires of Heaven fall where they will, until all men's lives are ablaze. And in Shayol Ghul, the Dark One stirs. (from the online description)
Review: This is where the series begins to wear a bit thin. This book dragged, and probably could have been condensed with Book 6 to no ill-effect. Instead, we get 900+ pages where very little actually happens. The beginning, as we explore the Wastes with Rand and Co, and watch Nynaeve and Co, travel – but after a while, the story stagnates and it because tedious to read. You just want someone to DO something.
Jordan is known for his detail – and it really shows in this
book. The story suffers as paragraph after paragraph is given over to minutiae.
Trim the fat, please!
Despite this, the story does move forward (eventually) and we
leave the characters in more danger than ever. I am eager to see what happens,
although I hope the next novel does not plod like this one.
Bookmarks: 3.5 of 5
Awards: None
ISBN: 0-812-55030-7
Year Published: 1993
Date Finished: 10-4-2018
Pages: 968
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