I spent the weekend purging my books. Not all, mind you - I left non-fiction and women's studies alone. I did purge Young Adult, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Classics, Christian and Biography. It was exhilarating. You'd think I'd feel differently, and I expected to myself, but instead found it strangely freeing. I got rid of 164 books. Against the 2,232 that I keep, it seems little, but it's a big step for me. I was finally able to be honest with myself about books I've purchased that I think I'll read, but really will not. Others, like the classics, are books I picked up to read so I could say I read, but truthfully hold little interest for me (Kafka? really?). I let the idea of reading them go along with the actual book. That, I think, is where the real freedom lays.
The best part is giving away the books. I have several piles, stacked and labeled, ready to package and send on their merry way. Other will garner me credit at a used book shop and others will be donated to a local thrift store.
Have you ever purged your books? If so, why?
No man can be called friendless who has God and the companionship of good books. ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Monday, February 28, 2011
Review: Candle in the Storm by Morgan Howell

Review: This is the second in Howell's The Shadowed Path trilogy, and I advise you to have all three on hand when you begin. Each book ends the book's story, but the larger story arch is left open and will drive you crazy. I found this book hard to read, but for a good reason: I'd come to care about the characters and was heartbroken when events tore them apart. Yim and Honus struggle to remain faithful to a goddess who leaves them in harm's way, or even calls them to sacrifice what they most want and love. I can't say more without giving away the plot. The imagery is rich, the dialogue is well-crafted and the plot is twisted, dark, well-layed and enthralling. The characters, major and minor, offer a range of humanity and responses. My only complaint is some bits felt contrived, but this didn't detract from the novel overall.
Bookmarks: 8 of 10
Awards: None
Date Finished: 2-26-2011
Pages: 384
Friday, February 25, 2011
Review: A Woman Worth Ten Coppers by Morgan Howell

Review: My interest in the book came from two sources: 1) I enjoy Morgan Howell and 2) I was intrigued by the slave part of the story. I was not disappointed. Yim is a complex character, struggling to stay faithful to a goddess who calls Yim to a destiny overrun with hardships, a goddess who seem powerless to allay those hardships or even protect her people in them. Howell does an excellent job of showing the conflict in Yim. Honus is also a well-constructed character, facing his own past, internal conflict and waining faith. Together, they journey physically and metaphorically towards the truth.
Howell's plot and dialogue are well-crafted and he has an uncanny ability to create horrific villains, dark and evil and creepy. The romance and love in the book is handled delicately but not weakly, and I enjoy the way it dawns on the reader about the same time it does the characters, despite having been there the whole time. It's a rare talent to build in such subtlety to the story. Word of warming - don't get attached to any secondary characters: they tend to die with little warning. While the books ends as it should, the story doesn't stop, but flows into the next book (which I'm already three chapters into). I'm excited to see how things turn out.
Booksmarks: 8 of 10
Awards: None
Date Finished: 2-24-2011
Pages: 336
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Aquisitions: Thrift Shopping
Zack's Alligator by Shirley Mozelle
Believing God: Day by Day by Beth Moore
Voices of the Faithful ed. by Beth Moore
Strangers and Neighbors: What I Have Learned about Christianity
by Living Among Orthodox Jews by Maria Poggi Johnson
The Lessons of St. Francis: How to Bring Simplicity and
Spirituality into Your Daily Life by Steve Rabey
Holy Week Sonnets by Philip Rosenbaum
Mr. Jones, Meet the Master: Sermons and Prayers by Peter Marshall
And the Shofar Blew by Francine Rivers
Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded by Samuel Richardson
Stories to Remember ed. By John Beecraoft and Thomas Costain
Wild Magic by Tamora Pierce (The Immortals Book I)
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows
Mary Poppins in the Kitchen: A Cookery Book with a Story by P. L. Travers
Towards Zero by Agatha Christie
Foundation by Isaac Asimov
New Chronicles of Rebbecca by Kate Douglas Wiggins
Young Fu of the Upper Yangtze by Elizabeth Foreman Lewis
The Music of Dolphins by Karen Hesse
Carry On, My. Bowditch by Jean Lee Latham
The Wish by Gail Carson Levine
Mr. Popper's Penguins by Richard and Florence Atwaters
When We Were Very Young by A. A. Milne
True Adventure Stories for Girls ed. by Basil Deakin
Criss Cross by Lynne Rae Perkins
A Separate Peace by John Knowles
Truckers by Terry Pratchett
Treasure Island by Robert Lewis Stevenson
Hunting for Hidden Gold: A Hardy Boys Mystery by Franklin Dixon
Out of the Crescent Shadows: Leading Muslim Women
into the Light of Christ by Ergun and Emir Caner
Among the Righteous: Lost Stories from the
Holocaust's Long Reach in Arab Lands by Robert Satloff
All Rivers Run to the Sea: Memoirs: by Elie Wiesel
A Year in Provence by Peter Mayle
In the Mailbox is meme created by The Story Siren.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Review: Spirituality for the Rest of Us: A Down-to-Earth Guide to Knowing God by Larry Osborne

Review: I read this book for the book club at church. I was pleased with what it had to say - mostly it gave some relief for the relentless pursuit to be spiritual. Osborne points out that much of what we do as Christians is self-imposed and does nothing to move us closer to God. Most of it is based on our values, not God's. His writing is clear, easy prose filled with Bible verses and stories. His work would be easy to read for almost anyone. I recommend if you are having a problem "keeping up" with all the things that "Christians are suppose to do". Some of his thoughts need to be taken with a grain of salt, but he makes execellent points worth pondering.
Bookmarks: 7 of 10
Awards: none
Date Finished: 2-20-2011
Pages: 254
Review: The Enchantment Emporium by Tanya Huff

Review: First, let me stipulate: I believe Tanya Huff is a good writer, but I don't always like her work. In particular, what bothers me is the liberal sex her characters engage in, and the way sex is often a central line in her books. This, I suspect, is a combination of my own prudishness and my beliefs about right and wrong. This book was no exception. I experienced the same nagging uncomfortableness I often get reading her work.
Outside of that one general complaint, I find her work imaginative and her characters complex and anything but flat. The stories are fast passed, engaging and I enjoy the worlds she creates. I sometimes find her sentences and syntax odd, but not in a bad way. I will continue to read her works, but cautiously, and I know my hesitation is due to personality and beliefs, and not Huff's writing.
Bookmarks: 6 of 10
Awards: none
Date Finished: 2-19-2011
Pages: 473
Pages: 473
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Aquisitions: Borders
The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E. Lockhart
The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan
The Bone Palace by Amanda Downum
The Iron Palace by Morgan Howell
Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul by John and Stasi Eldredge
In the Mailbox is meme created by The Story Siren.
Review: Hank Zipzer, The World's Greatest Underachiever: Niagra Falls, or Does It?

Review: This was recommended to me by a friend who has excellent taste in books. And she once again, proved correct. I found Hank's observations on school, family and adults to be humorous and close-to-my-heart. I understood how it's frustrating when adults "punish you for trying your best" as Hank put it. This is an excellent book for kids who have trouble learning in conventional ways, who struggle in school or who feel stupid for reasons they can't understand. This is the first in a series and I will be on the lookout for more.
Bookmarks: 7 of 10
Awards: none
Date Finished: 2-19-2011
Pages: 133
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Review: The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Review: I read this book after seeing Easy A, which has become my favorite movie. I was apprehensive going into this book because Hawthorne's verbiage can be a bit much for me. However, once I applied my mind to it, I rather enjoyed his vocabulary and wordy prose. As for the story itself, I enjoyed it. Hester is an engaging character. My only complaint is Dimmesdale, who from the beginning impressed me as a weak, cowardly man. Hester was described as someone with intense passion and strength - why would she want someone so delicate as Arthur? It seem improbable and a bit contrived. Chillingworth was a convincing, if somewhat odd, villain. By odd, I mean the whole "devil got him" thing. Considering the era when the story takes place and when it was written, I will allow liberty for the crazy demon talk. Sometimes I read classics and wonder how they got to be elevated to such a pedestal, but not this one. It's worth the praise it received.
Bookmarks: 7 of 10
Awards: none
Date Finished: 2-17-2011
Pages: 203
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Ramble: Bookshelf Love
We have stairs in my house and I think turning them into bookshelves would be a wonderfully economical and space-saving project. My husband does not agree. Silly boy.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Aquisitions: Barnes and Noble
Voodoo: Strange and Fascinating Tales and Lore by John Richard Stephens
Shades of Dark by Linnea Sinclair
Hope's Folly by Linnea Sinclair
Rebels and Lovers by Linnea Sinclair
A Woman Worth Ten Coppers by Morgan Howell
Candle in the Storm by Morgan Howell
Uglies by Scott Westerfeld
Pretties by Scott Westerfeld
Specials by Scott Westerfeld
Extras by Scott Westerfeld
Specials by Scott Westerfeld
Extras by Scott Westerfeld
In the Mailbox is meme created by The Story Siren.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Aquisitions: Thrift Shopping
These High Green Hills by Jan Karon
Out to Canaan by Jan Karon
A New Song by Jan Karon
Inkheart by Cornelia Funke
Gifts by Ursula K. Le Guin
Briar Rose by Jane Yoken
Under God by Toby Mac and Michael Tait
Sarah, Plain and Tall by Patricia MacLachan
The Search for Holy Living ed. by Marvin Hinten
In the Mailbox is meme created by The Story Siren.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Review: Skellig by David Almond

This is Michael's introduction to Skellig, the man-owl-angel who lies motionless behind the tea chests in the abandoned garage in back of the boy's dilapidated new house. As disturbing as this discovery is, it is the least of Michael's worries. The new house is a mess, his parents are distracted, and his brand-new baby sister is seriously ill. Still, he can't get this mysterious creature out of his mind--even as he wonders if he has really seen him at all. (From the back of the book)
Review: This is a short, intense book told from the viewpoint of a child dealing with complex changes in his life. It's part coming-of-age, part mystery, part fairy tale. I enjoyed it. Simple prose painting a wide colorful picture. The characters are multi-dimensional and well-crafted. I connected with them. In the end, this is an excellent book.
Bookmarks: 7 of 10
Awards: Carnegie Medal in 1998
Date Finished: 2-11-2011
Pages: 182
Review: Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

Review: Having seen the Disney version, the recent Tim Burton version and some shadowy version from the 1980s, I am familiar with the base story. I figured it was time to read the source and discovered something I figured all along. I do not like Alice in Wonderland. As a child, the constant changing of the rules terrified me. It's not much better as an adult. As for the prose, it's been described as "whimsical and innocent" but I found it boring and bit confusing. It could be said I feel this way about the story because I don't have the "heart of a child" but considering I didn't like it as a child, I suspect it's a personality quirk.
There is something a bit prentenious about denouncing a book long held as classic children's novel, a superb example of nonsense prose and a wonderful puzzle. I'm not say it's not all those things; I'm saying I don't like it.
Booksmarks: 5 of 10
Awards: Several older ones
Date Finished: 2-11-2011
Pages: 430
Date Finished: 2-11-2011
Pages: 430
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Review: Gabriel's Ghost by Linnea Sinclair

Review: Science Fiction-Romance is a niche genre, to be sure. To pull it off, an author must create a rich and believable interstellar world and fill them with deep, complex characters. Sinclair does this in a remarkable and delightful way. I enjoyed the story, the characters, the twisty mystery and eye-bugging revelations, as well as the delicate and tasteful way she handled the sex scenes (I'm not a fan of explicit detail). The highest praise I can give this book is that after reading it, I ordered 3 more from the same author. If I liked it enough to spend my gift cards on more, that's a good book.
Booksmarks: 7 of 10
Awards: RITA Award for Best Paranormal Romance 2006
Date Finished: 2-9-2011
Pages: 447
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Ramble: Book Roulette
I catalog my books in an excel program I created several years ago. A few months ago, my husband commented that I buy books and then forget to read them. He's not entirely wrong. My answer was to play Book Roulette using the excel program. I numbered the unread books and used a web-based random number generator to choose 5 books from my collection. I stack them on the table and read my way through. It was spectacular. I read the oddest assortment and enjoy it immensely. I intend to do that again at some point - not now, as it would derail my current self-imposed reading plan. However, I'm curious. If I were, what books would I be reading. I'm going to run a tester. Here goes!
1. No Man Knows My Grave: Sir Henry Morgan, Captain William Kidd, Captain Woodes Rogers in the Great Age of Privateers and Pirates 1665-1715 by Alexander Winston
2. Nineteenth-Century Stories by Women: An Anthology ed. by Glennis Stephenson
3. Black Trillium by Marion Zimmer Bradley, Julian May & Andre Norton
4. The Cat Who Turned On and Off by Lilian Jackson Braun
5. Shadow of the Silk Road by Colin Thubron
Not bad, actually. I'd rather like to read these. What do you think?
1. No Man Knows My Grave: Sir Henry Morgan, Captain William Kidd, Captain Woodes Rogers in the Great Age of Privateers and Pirates 1665-1715 by Alexander Winston
2. Nineteenth-Century Stories by Women: An Anthology ed. by Glennis Stephenson
3. Black Trillium by Marion Zimmer Bradley, Julian May & Andre Norton
4. The Cat Who Turned On and Off by Lilian Jackson Braun
5. Shadow of the Silk Road by Colin Thubron
Not bad, actually. I'd rather like to read these. What do you think?
Review: Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Then We Think by Brian Wansink, Ph.D.

Review: I've read several books about nutrition and eating, and this is a new favorite. Wansink's overall message is simple: We eat more then we should due to cues and habits around us. Each of us has something called a “Mindless Margin” - a range of 200-300 calories that we could do without and not miss. The key, he says, is to find small ways in our diet to eat less – use a smaller plate, use a tall glass, set the candy dish across the room, eat slower, don’t put the food on the table etc. The goal is to trick yourself into eating less in ways you won’t notice it until your pants are a bit lose. His prose is clear, concise, amusing and interesting. Each chapter ends with practical ways to incorporate what he’s telling you into your life - he even has a free website! If you are a chronic dieter, need to lose a few pounds or just want to be more aware of your eating habits, this is the book for you. It’s a quick read and highly interesting.
Bookmarks: 7 of 10
Awards: None
Date Finished: 2-8-2011
Pages: 284
Aquisitions: Amazon / Dollar Store
A Great and Terrible Love: A Spiritual Journey into the Attributes of God by Mark Galli
Little Big Man by Thomas Berger
Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford
The Divine Hours: Prayers for Springtime by Phyllis Tickle
The Divine Hours: Prayers for Summertime by Phyllis Tickle
The Divine Hours: Prayers for Autumn and Wintertime by Phyllis Tickle
In the Mailbox is meme created by The Story Siren.
Little Big Man by Thomas Berger
Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford
The Divine Hours: Prayers for Springtime by Phyllis Tickle
The Divine Hours: Prayers for Summertime by Phyllis Tickle
The Divine Hours: Prayers for Autumn and Wintertime by Phyllis Tickle
In the Mailbox is meme created by The Story Siren.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Review: Whittington by Alan Armstrong

Roughts: I enjoyed this book. The animals were well done characters, the prose strong and simple, the story engaging. I like the story in a story concept and the historical aspect was rich in detail without being overwhelming or dry. The author did immense research and it should in the accuracy and adventure. Side note, I'm always a sucker for books that promote reading. Of course.
Booksmarks: 7 of 10
Awards: Newbery Honor 2006
Date Finished: 2-5-2011
Pages: 191
Aquisitions: Goodwill-C Thift Shop
I'm still haunting the thrift stores for items for a party, and I always stop at the book section. I wasn't suppose to buy anything, February being a book-free month, but that is going to be impossible. I have a Bithday Trip to B&N and several thrift shopping days coming up. I am pushing off the book-free month until perhasp April. or June. Maybe September.
Anyway, this is what I bought:
A Light in the Storm: The Civil War Diary of Amelia Martin
by Karen Hesse (Dear America Series)
Anyway, this is what I bought:
Christmas After All: The Great Depression Diary of Minnie Swift
by Kathryn Lansky (Dear America Series)
by Kathryn Lansky (Dear America Series)
A Light in the Storm: The Civil War Diary of Amelia Martin
by Karen Hesse (Dear America Series)
Brooklyn Bridge by Karen Hesse
In the Mailbox is meme created by The Story Siren.
Review: The Personal Heresy: A Controversy by C.S. Lewis and E.M.W. Tillyard

Roughts: I read this for my Lewis reading project. It must be understood that while Lewis' Christian works are something I can grasp, his literary works are far above my intelligence level and I often completely miss the point. I had precisely that trouble with this work. It's brilliant, intense and amusing at points, but I didn't understand most of what they were talking about. I can see if one was a poetry or literary scholar, this work would have immense value, but as a lay person with little to no training in this area, I was lost.
Bookmarks: 6 of 10
Awards: none
Date Finished: 2-5-2011
Pages: 150
Pages: 150
Friday, February 4, 2011
Review: Penny from Heaven by Jennifer L. Holm

Roughts: This is an excellent book. The daily life of Penny, her questions, confusions, joy and growth are seemlessly woven into the larger picture of life after WWII, the idea of Italians in America and the presecution they faced during the war, the ideas of what makes a family, secrets, grief, guilt and healing. Having married into an Italian family myself, I laughed at several of the scenes. Being the product of a broken home, I understood Penny's concern at her mother moving on. Over all, I found this book to be like a plate of rich lasagna - warm, satisifing and worth every minute.
Booksmarks: 8 of 10
Awards: Newbery Honor 2007
Date Finished: 2-4-2011
Pages: 274
Review: Show Way by Jacqueline Woodson, ill. by Hudson Talbot

Roughts: First, the pictures in this book are fantastic. They are draw to resemble quilts, but with vibrant color and movement. I got lost in the pictures and forget the words. That being said, the words themselves are poetical and have a sing-song rhythm. They make use of the vernacular of the African-American experience. The simplicity of the work only adds to the message - the idea of heritage, of family wisdom, of the connection we have to our past and the strength it can give us for the future. I have personal knowledge of this, as my mother quilts and my grandmother quilts. I have quilts from both of them and they are more then just bedclothes. There is a connection, a reminder of the love they have for me and the strength they bequeathed to me. I hope someday to quilt for my children.
Bookmarks: 7 of 10
Awards: Newbery Honor 2006
Date Finished: 2-4-2011
Pages: 22
Pages: 22
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Ramble: Book Shelf Love
I amused myself by googling bookshelves and book nooks, saving favorite imagines and scheming how to get my husband to consent to convert our house into a library. I have many favorites. Today's is the one below:
Secret Room + Books = AWESOME
Oh, I covet so much.
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