Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ramble: Book Roulette

I catalog my books in an excel program I created several years ago. A few months ago, my husband commented that I buy books and then forget to read them. He's not entirely wrong. My answer was to play Book Roulette using the excel program. I numbered the unread books and used a web-based random number generator to choose 5 books from my collection. I stack them on the table and read my way through. It was spectacular. I read the oddest assortment and enjoy it immensely. I intend to do that again at some point - not now, as it would derail my current self-imposed reading plan. However, I'm curious. If I were, what books would I be reading. I'm going to run a tester. Here goes!

1. No Man Knows My Grave: Sir Henry Morgan, Captain William Kidd, Captain Woodes Rogers in the Great Age of Privateers and Pirates 1665-1715 by Alexander Winston

2. Nineteenth-Century Stories by Women: An Anthology ed. by Glennis Stephenson

3. Black Trillium by Marion Zimmer Bradley, Julian May & Andre Norton

4. The Cat Who Turned On and Off by Lilian Jackson Braun

5. Shadow of the Silk Road by Colin Thubron

Not bad, actually. I'd rather like to read these. What do you think?

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