Synopsis: After a decade of piloting interstellar patrol ships, former captain Chasidah Bergren, onetime pride of the Sixth Fleet, finds herself court-martialed for a crime she didn’t commit–and shipped off to a remote prison planet from which no one ever escapes. But when she kills a brutal guard in an act of self-defense, someone even more dangerous emerges from the shadows. Gabriel Sullivan–alpha mercenary, smuggler, and rogue–is supposed to be dead. Yet now this seductive ghost from Chaz’s past is offering her a ticket to freedom–for a price. Someone in the Empire is secretly breeding jukors: vicious and uncontrollable killing machines that have long been outlawed. Gabriel needs Chaz to help him stop the practice before it decimates Imperial space. The mission means putting their lives on the line–but the tensions that heat up between them may be the riskiest part of all. (From the Back of the Book)
Review: Science Fiction-Romance is a niche genre, to be sure. To pull it off, an author must create a rich and believable interstellar world and fill them with deep, complex characters. Sinclair does this in a remarkable and delightful way. I enjoyed the story, the characters, the twisty mystery and eye-bugging revelations, as well as the delicate and tasteful way she handled the sex scenes (I'm not a fan of explicit detail). The highest praise I can give this book is that after reading it, I ordered 3 more from the same author. If I liked it enough to spend my gift cards on more, that's a good book.
Booksmarks: 7 of 10
Awards: RITA Award for Best Paranormal Romance 2006
Date Finished: 2-9-2011
Pages: 447
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