Review: This book was published in 1944, and that is the primary reason I purchased it. Hancock was well known during that time for her medical romance books, and this is certainly an amusing tale along those lines. Clean in the sense there is no bodice-ripping, sex or even anything but a chaste kiss - it does have several racist comments and the requisite German villain that might offend our modern sensibilities. I enjoyed this book for the look into the past, the language, the look at society and past values, the ideas of "modern" and the description of the medical practices. These was the standard drama and hero's grand rescue of the heroine, but it suited the book nicely. I recommend this book for anyone who enjoys a clean romance and a bit of vintage nonsense.
Bookmarks: 7 of 10
Awards: None
Date Finished: 12-15-11
Pages: 250
PS: I purchased this book in a dusty thrift store in between Lynchburg and Charlottesville, in Virginia. These sort of shops, the vintage-thrifts and mysterious antique stores, are the best for finding such novels. Along with this one, I purchased on printed in 1900, still in readable condition. Most will cost you between $3-$10, and are quite worth it to my mind.
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