In fact, Miss Quinn was a highly efficient secretary to a Caxley businessman. She ran him, and her own affairs, with terrifying competence. She was completely unsentimental and planned to spend her Christmas exactly as she wanted it, without fuss or family.
But before the great day, her brother rang to say his wife had been rushed to the hospital, and could she come and cope with the children? Secretly cursing, Miss Quinn set out to do her duty.
She coped as capably with the turmoil of her brother's household as she did with the office, and the regret for her lost Christmas was somewhat mitigated by the children's joy and the unexpected arrival of an old flame.
Her few days of enforced domesticity gave Miss Quinn much to think about, and the reversal of the quiet Christmas she had planned was to have a significant effect upon the rest of her life.
Review: This author was recommend by Lanier, who can always be relied upon for the most wonderful books. This author is a balm for a restless heart. It's a quiet, peaceful, calming book. Nothing world-shattering or traumatic happens; just the simply ebb and flow of life. Miss Quinn was character I related too, for her depth and just-so attitude. Watching her grow, in the quiet way we all do, was a treasure to read. I highly recommend this book as a pleasant, quiet read, perhaps one for a stormy night, to bring with you as you curl up under a blanket with a fragrant cup of tea.
Bookmarks: 8 of 10
Awards: None
Date Finished: 12-9-11
Pages: 148
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