Synopsis: Sookie Stackhouse is a small-time cocktail waitress in small-town Louisiana. She's quiet, keeps to herself and doesn't get out much. Not because she's not pretty. She is. It's just that, well, Sookie has this sort of disability. She can read minds. And that doesn't make her too dateable. And then along comes Bill. He's tall, dark, handsome - and Sookie can't hear a word he's thinking. He's exactly the type of guy she's been waiting for all her life....
But Bill has a disability of his own. He's a vampire with a bad reputation. He hands with seriously creepy crowd, all suspected of - big surprise - murder. And when one of Sookie's coworkers is killed, she fear she's next....
Review: The chatter about this book (and the TV show) is substantial. I finally found a readable copy for cheap (i.e. free) and dove in, to see what all the fuss was about.
I was bored. There is no other word for it: bored. And sad, because the premise is excellent, the characters rife with potential. I loved the idea of southern vampires, the world, the culture. It was all excellent. Which makes me wonder why I just didn't enjoy the work. I had trouble connecting to Sookie, Bill seemed boring, the bad guy was not-that-scary, the sex was graphic and gratuitous. I don't know. I can see why others would rave over this work, but for me, it just didn't do it. However, I would not dissuade others from reading it, as I think other would derive great entertainment from Harris's book, even though I did not.
Bookmarks: 6 of 10
Awards: None
Date Finished: 12-22-2012
Pages: 260
I felt the same way about this book. Blah.