But Bill has a disability of his own. He's a vampire with a bad reputation. He hands with seriously creepy crowd, all suspected of - big surprise - murder. And when one of Sookie's coworkers is killed, she fear she's next....
Review: The chatter about this book (and the TV show) is substantial. I finally found a readable copy for cheap (i.e. free) and dove in, to see what all the fuss was about.
I was bored. There is no other word for it: bored. And sad, because the premise is excellent, the characters rife with potential. I loved the idea of southern vampires, the world, the culture. It was all excellent. Which makes me wonder why I just didn't enjoy the work. I had trouble connecting to Sookie, Bill seemed boring, the bad guy was not-that-scary, the sex was graphic and gratuitous. I don't know. I can see why others would rave over this work, but for me, it just didn't do it. However, I would not dissuade others from reading it, as I think other would derive great entertainment from Harris's book, even though I did not.
Bookmarks: 6 of 10
Awards: None
Date Finished: 12-22-2012
Pages: 260
I felt the same way about this book. Blah.