Review: This is the first of three books I read that retell the story of the Twelve Dancing Princess, first introduced by the Brothers Grimm in 1812.
Of the three, this one follows the original tale closest. The twelve princess are named for flowers (a common choice in retellings of this fable) and they are run from late teens to toddler. One of the reasons this tale is easy to retell without getting boring is the original never specifies why they dance - whether cursed, forced, choice or joy. This story chose cursed, a curse that twisted well with the hero, a solider, and the secondary plot of a country broken by war. The world-building, the war, the people, are loosely based on European society, but not enough that it loses it's magical quality.
The hero, Galen, has a depth the is pleasant to read. A solider who fought and lived through horrible events, but maintains a lightness, a humor, and a humility that makes him a wonderful character.
And the knitting! Galen knits, part of his appeal, and it becomes pivotal in the story. The author even includes a pattern in the back of the book!
The princess had less depth, aside from the oldest few, which is to be expected. It would be impossible to build detailed characters in a YA novel and have it be short enough. Rose, the main princess, was an endearing character, her pain, joy, loyalty to her sisters and concern for her country gave her a depth I enjoyed.
As for the love story, it was obvious, but still sweet and believable. Over all, this was a delightful retelling, one I would recommend.
Bookmarks: 7 of 10
Awards: None
Date Finished: 12-18-2011
Pages: 272
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