Review: Laidlaw’s book stirs up the emotions in a spectacular way. Her prose took me through the gambit – laughter, sorrow, anger, wonder, fear, love and finally – hope. She creates real characters, people I feel I might meet one day. She drew a picture of Pakistan both heavy and light, filled with sorrow and joy – which in my limit time in the country, I know to be a true representation of that place. She places a common trauma - the dissolution of a couple’s marriage – into a unique setting – a broiling Islamic nation – and she does it well.
Laidlaw’s prose is surprisingly polished for a first time fiction author, although it retained some roughness of inexperience. However, if this is her first attempt, I shall eagerly await her future endeavors.
I highly recommend this book, in particular anyone with interest in Central Asia.
I received this book free as part of the EarlyReveiwer Program on LibraryThing, in exhcnage for my fair and personal review.
Bookmarks: 7.5 of 10
Awards: None
Date Finished: 2-3-2013
Pages: 320
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