But smuggling a few charms is one thing; smuggling a person through the warded Alathian border is near suicidal. Having made a promise to a dying friend, Dev is forced to take on a singularly dangerous cargo: Kiran. A young apprentice on the run from one of the most powerful mages in Ninavel, Kiran is desperate enough to pay a fortune to sneak into a country where discovery means certain execution - and he'll do whatever it takes to prevent Dev from finding out the terrible truth behind his getaway.
Yet Kiran isn't the only one harboring a deadly secret. Caught up in a web of subterfuge and dark magic, Dev and Kiran must find a way to trust each other - or face not only their own destruction, but that of the entire city of Ninavel. (from the back of the book)
Review: I picked up this book for one reason: the author is a mountain climber who managed to work mountain climbing into a fantasy novel. I was not disappointed. This is fantastic read. Characters are well-rounded, with depth and fire and flaws, the world-building has layers and twists and logic and the plot was believable and well-crafted. I highly recommend.
Bookmarks: 7 of 10
Awards: None
Date Finished: 2-15-2013
Pages: 300
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