Synopsis: The American Revolution could not have been won without the unsung heroes - courage women and children. Women served as nurses and spies. Some even fought in battle. Children supported the cause, too. Although the fighting age was supposed to be sixteen, many young men joined the army. Women and children made great sacrifices to help America win its freedom. (from the back of the book)
Review: I purchased this book for the title. I missed the part about it being a children's book. To that end, I was disappointed in the presentation of the information. While the facts are clear, the language is unnecessary simplistic. I feel a child reading about this subject might handle larger words and more complex sentences. However, the information is clear, concise and factual. I learned names and stories I'd never heard. It's an excellent starting point to research more about this subject and I particularly enjoyed the bibliography in the back - something you almost NEVER find in a children's book. In all, this was organized like an adult history book, but intended for young readers. My only qualm is the language was so simplistic it detracted from the overall qualities of the book.
Bookmarks: 6.5 of 10
Awards: None
ISBN: 978-1-4644-0189-3
Date Finished: 11-3-2013
Pages: 48
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