Monday, April 7, 2014

Ramble: A Month of Poetry

April is National Poetry Month. This is rather fortuitous as I recently purchased a lovely set of poetry books published in 1929.

The Husband and I were rambling through a church rummage sale - I always stop. They have the best old theology books - and found a bundle of small blue books with charming gold gilt spelling The World 1000 Best Poems. For $3, I could hardly pass it up! But when I got home, I realize the set contained ten volumes - but I was missing Volume 5!

I did not despair. I had the internet. Within a week, I had located and purchased a perfectly matched copy of Volume 5.

I began reading the first volume a few nights ago, and I'm immensely pleased. The editor of the book, one Berton Braley, set out to gather what he thought were the most important poems in history. Not all are poetry - some are songs and chants, some are famous and others, not so much. It's a delightful collection.

I've finished the first volume and hope to have several more finished by the end of April. I think this is a fine way to celebrate National Poetry Month, yes?

A fine set, in gold and blue

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