Synopsis: Only Judith Viorst, with the perfect pitch for the trials of childhood that has made her Alexander Books modern classics, could create an ode to melancholy unmentionables. But the title poem is just one of the many pleasures in this collection, which bursts with wit and understanding - and the occasional poignant note. (from the back of the book)
Review: From the title, I expected this collection of children's poems to be silly and goofy and all together light. I was wrong. Viorst has a knack for mixing the silly and profound. At least several times, I had to take a breath at the end of a poem to catch my heart up to my mind. While there is a goofy poem or two, most has a depth rare to see in Children's verse. This is an exquisite collection of poems, but not for young children. I would recommend for elementary age or older, at least, and it should be read with an adult who can answer questions.
Bookmarks: 8 of 10
Awards: None
ISBN: 0-689-83376-8
Date Finished: 4-12-2014
Pages: 78
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