Synopsis: The Herdman kids are the outlaws of Woodrow Wilson Elementary. They smoke cigars, lie, and set fire to things - and that's only when they bother to come to school. If anything goes wrong, you can be sure there's a Herdman behind it. Then a school project forces the students to think of compliments for their classmates - all of them. It is possible that behind their outrageous pranks there might be something good about this crazy clan after all? (from the back of the book)
Review: As with her Christmas novel, Robinson's story made me laugh so hard I had to set the book down to catch my breath. And yet, for all the laughs, at the end, there is something deeper, something more. It's an uncanny ability to write characters that are more complex than you might find children's works. As with all her work, I highly recommend this book.
Bookmarks: 8 of 10
Awards: None
ISBN: 978-0-545-29723-3
Date Finished: 1-18-2015
Pages: 155
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