Synopsis: Lyka Phelan is a Slayer, sent to live among her enemy to
guarantee lasting peace with the Theronai. Yet she has a secret—and it could
make her a slave to their power. But when a pack of Synestryn destroys her home
and captures her packmates, Lyka realizes her freedom is a small price to pay
for the safety of her people. So she strikes a bargain with the leader of the
Theronai—one that reveals her true identity and binds her to him forever. Joseph thought he knew better than to tangle with the
beautiful, hot-blooded Lyka. One misstep could send their races straight back
to war. But now he has no choice other than to help her. Forced to protect her
with his life, Joseph finds himself increasingly drawn to Lyka. As they risk
everything in their fight against the demons, he realizes he must convince her
to surrender to him completely—otherwise she will never truly be his. (from the back of the book)
Review: Joseph is a character that shows up in almost all the books. At the leader of the Theronai, he's often the one issuing commands that change the fate of the other characters. But in this book, we get his story. His love for Lyka and how that compliments and conflicts with his duty as leader, are very well done. Lyka's struggle also very plausible and I enjoyed watching Lyka overcome her flaws. Butcher does a good job of raising the stacks - Lyka's brother, Eric, walks through Hell, and I want to find out how he survives. Between that and the mystery at the end, as well as the additional allusions to other couples whose stories haven't been told (Tori and Nicholas, Ronan and Justice) - I'm desperate for the next book!
Bookmarks: 8 of 10
Awards: None
ISBN: 978-0-451-24083-5
Date Finished: 3-6-2015
Pages: 369
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