Review: This book was highly recommended to me as an exceptional book to learn about personal finances and how to make money. I was disappointed. While Kiyosaki has a few good ideas, the majority of the book was fluff, and quite repetitive. He encouraged taking advantage of people's ignorance and misery and extolled the pursuit of money as a game, even when it hurt others. In the end, I took almost nothing away from the book, except of few bits of advice and a full loathing for anyone who uses others to gain something as trite as money. Kiyosaki gave the reader very little for the money spent on his book - another example of how to make money, I guess.
Bookmarks: 5 of 10
Awards: None
ISBN: 978-1-61268-001-9
Date Finished: 2-26-2015
Pages: 243
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