Synopsis: Angelina is a small mouse who wants to dance more than anything - but her desire causes all sorts of trouble for those around her. Will she ever figure it out?
Review: This, apparently, is a current classic children's book. Well, I should say, it was. Now it's a popular children's empire, considering all the non-book Angelina Ballerina paraphernalia out there. It's a cute book, with lively illustrations and sweet plot. Not sure why it's so popular with children, but I also haven't figured why Teletubbies was popular, so there you go. If you have a child who enjoys dance or wants to dance, this is a fine book. However, if you want to keep your home and TV free from the shrill dancing mouse, avoid this book. Your child will love it and you will get sucked into the Angelina Vortex and only be free when your small child grow up and discovered the adolescent romance.
Bookmarks: 7 of 10
Awards: None
ISBN: 1-58485-135-X
Date Finished: 8-25-2015
Pages: 24
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