Review: This is a quick, beautiful volume. The poems are surrounded by gorgeous full-color reproductions of Pre-Raphaelite art, many by her brother Dante. The poems themselves are excellent, although I'd read many before. Goblin Market, one of her most famous, was included only in an excerpt. But Cousin Kate and A Better Resurrection, two of my favorites, where included in their entirety. Spring, as a subject, was repeated often, but I don't know if this was because Rossetti utilized that motif often or because K.E. Sullivan, who compiled the anthology, chose all the spring ones. It was repetitious after the first half-dozen or so. Overall, I wouldn't seek out this volume, but I consider it a pleasing addition to my Rossetti collection.
Bookmarks: 7 of 10
Awards: None
ISBN: 1-86019-387-0
Year Published: 1998
Date Finished: 3-19-2016
Pages: 96
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