extensive analysis of the Harry Potter series examines Rowling s wide range of
allusion to classical characters and themes and her varied use of classical
languages. Chapters discuss Harry and Narcissus, Dumbledore's many classical
predecessors, Lord Voldemort's likeness to mythical figures, and magic in Harry
Potter and classical antiquity among many topics. (from the back of the book)
Review: Although light in tone, Spencer's book is firmly a textbook. This I did not know when I requested it. That made it more challenging for me to read, but also envious of those with the chance to take college courses in Harry Potter. With obvious enthusiasm, Spencer dives into a detailed description on the motifs and themes of the Greek and Roman classics. To start, he explains in his introduction why he only included Greek and Roman classics (as opposed to biblical or near east), why he only consulted the seven books and not the additional material like interviews and Pottermore, and why he thinks Rowling’s use of mythology is important. From there, he moves into exploring the three main characters, as he sees them – Harry Potter, Albus Dumbledore, and Lord Voldemort. He then writes about Major and Supporting Characters, Magical Beings and Materials, and the Classical Languages used in Harry Potter.
his knowledge of Harry Potter and Greco-Roman mythology is extensive, I’m not
sure there is quite enough for the whole book. Several times, particular in the
chapters on Beings and Material and Supporting Characters, it seemed he was
stretching a bit to find the connection. Or, assuming Rowling meant more by the
name that she really may have (although, he states in the beginning he doesn’t
claim to know her mind or motives, and so, he may be right.). I found his Appendix
on the “Ring Composition” of Rowling’s work to be most enlightening. Rowling
has been called a literary genius for her use of that literary device and
Spencer’s appendix makes it clear how deeply woven into the narrative this device
I’m not sure this book would appeal to your average Harry Potter fan, it will
appeal to your diehard or academically-minded. And for anyone who also enjoys
Greco-Roman mythology, this is a must-read. Spencer’s tone is jovial and accessible,
if somewhat repetitive, and although it reads like a textbook, it’s not overly complicated
or difficult. I recommend as a fine addition to the library of any Harry Potter
Note: I received this free as part of LibraryThing's Early Review Program, in exchange for my fair and honest opinion.
Bookmarks: 7 of 10
Awards: None
ISBN: 978-0-7864-9921-2
Year Published: 2015
Date Finished: 3-23-2016
Pages: 315
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