A reveling work that at last gives voice to the nurses who played such an essential role in World War II.
Review: After reading this, my foremost thought was why is this information not taught in elementary or middle school? Why is the contribution of these brave women not part of our basic history? I learned more about World War II reading this book than in any history course in my 16 years of formal education.
With clear and passionate prose, Evelyn Monahan and Rosemary
Neidel-Greenlee take the reader through the history of American nurses in the
North African and European theatre during World War II. It begins with D-Day in
Northern Africa, when Allied troops (mostly British and American) landed in
Algeria and French Morocco. It was the first and only time that nurses went
ashore at the same time as the first wave of soldiers (with D-Day in Italy and
France, the nurses were sent in two-three days behind the initial forces). The
history ends with the surrender of Germany two years later, as the nurses
emerged from the exhausted trek from the shores of Normandy to the dense
forests of Germany.
It’s hard to explain what these nurses went through – cold
that froze water in their cups in Africa, near constant shelling in Anzio,
shifting battle lines in Germany, lack of food and sleep, working with low
supplies, disrespectful colleges and commanders, and always, surrounded by
suffering, pain, and death. Yet, they preserved. Even when they had ships sink
under them, tents explode over then, beloved friends died from shrapnel, and
had their husbands and boyfriends killed far from them, they preserved. Even
when called upon to stay and face almost certain capture, they volunteered. Not
one asked to go home, but always forward, always towards the danger, determined
to support the men who fought.
Yet, they were not awarded Veteran status when they returned
home, nor where they given Veteran benefits. They were often excluded, mocked,
shunned, or treated as second-class despite their braver service. It wasn’t
until the last twenty year that the US Government stepped up and recognized
their sacrifice. Thankfully, Evelyn Monahan and Rosemary Neidel-Greenlee have
preserved their story for future generations.
I highly recommend, particularly if you have young girls. It
is a must for all women to know our heritage.
Bookmarks: 4.5 of 5
Awards: None
ISBN: 0-375-41514-9
Year Published: 2003
Date Finished: 3-26-17
Pages: 514
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