Review: I knew this was dark going in, but holy schmoly! With vivid
reds, fire-burnt oranges, and smoky blacks, with a poet’s words and a
vindictive hand, Kelly Sue DeConnick and Emma Ríos, give the reader a bloody,
gut-wrenching tale about Death and the Mason and the Woman and the Daughter.
Part western, part folktale, part gothic story, with the same creepy taste as
Poe and Lovecraft, we follow the Mason as he travels the wide west, his
companion a small girl wearing the Vulture Crown. Who she is and why she
matters, and why the lady in white with the habit of dying wants her dead and
the lady with the scull painted on her face wants her alive - well, read the
tale to find out!
Perfect for anyone who enjoys Macabre or Gothic tales, the
Grimdark or the Bloody, this is the book for you.
Bookmarks: 4.5 of 5
Awards: Eisner Awards in 2014: DeConnick for Best Writer, Rios for
Best Penciller/Inker and Best Cover Artist, and Jordie Bellaire for Best
ISBN: 978-1607069621
Year Published: 2014
Date Finished: 4-21-2017
Pages: 120
Year Published: 2014
Date Finished: 4-21-2017
Pages: 120
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