Synopsis: Set
against the moody backdrop of eleventh-century Scotland, Gareth Hinds’s
captivating, richly illustrated interpretation takes readers into the
claustrophobic mind of a man driven mad by ambition. An evil seed takes root in
the mind of Macbeth, a general in the king’s army, when three witches tell him
he will one day be king. At the urging of his wife, he resolves to take the
throne by the most direct path: a dagger in the heart of King Duncan. But
“blood will have blood,” and when others grow suspicious of his sudden rise to
power, is Macbeth prepared to commit more murders to keep the crown? (from the online description)
Review: As for graphic novels, this is well-done. Sharp lines and dark, brooding colors given a fine backdrop of the dark and bloody story. Hinds takes some liberties with the story, cutting the lines to just the basics, as the pictures tell much of what the words would have. His editing is well-done and maintains the blood-drenched tone of the story. However, my only fault is that, I didn't like the story. MacBeth, as it turns out, is not my favorite Shakespeare. Despite Hinds excellent execution, I didn't like the story.
Bookmarks: 3 of 5
Awards: None
ISBN: 978-0-7636-7802-9
Year Published: 2015 (MacBeth written in approx. 1606)
Date Finished: 11-25-2017
Pages: 145
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