Synopsis: The American Revolution is often portrayed as an orderly,
restrained rebellion, with brave patriots defending their noble ideals against
an oppressive empire. It’s a stirring narrative, and one the founders did their
best to encourage after the war. But as historian Holger Hoock shows in this
deeply researched and elegantly written account of America’s founding, the
Revolution was not only a high-minded battle over principles, but also a
profoundly violent civil war—one that shaped the nation, and the British
Empire, in ways we have only begun to understand. In Scars of Independence, Hoock writes the violence back
into the story of the Revolution. American Patriots persecuted and tortured
Loyalists. British troops massacred enemy soldiers and raped colonial women.
Prisoners were starved on disease-ridden ships and in subterranean cells.
African-Americans fighting for or against independence suffered
disproportionately, and Washington’s army waged a genocidal campaign against
the Iroquois. In vivid, authoritative prose, Hoock’s new reckoning also
examines the moral dilemmas posed by this all-pervasive violence, as the
British found themselves torn between unlimited war and restraint toward fellow
subjects, while the Patriots documented war crimes in an ingenious effort to
unify the fledgling nation. For two centuries we have whitewashed this history of the
Revolution. Scars of Independence forces a more honest appraisal, revealing the
inherent tensions between moral purpose and violent tendencies in America’s past.
In so doing, it offers a new origins story that is both relevant and
necessary—an important reminder that forging a nation is rarely bloodless.
(from the online description)
Review: This is a unique perspective on the Revolutionary War.
Hoock's writing highlights how this was a dirty, dangerous, vindictive civil
war between neighbors and families. Hoock shows how both sides used whatever
tactics they could while struggling to maintain a face of honor. Violence,
often done in the name of Vindication or Justice for wrongs done by the other
side. In particular, in the South, the violence was wide-spread and bloody.
Hoock also includes information about the violence against
First Nations (done by the Colonial Armies) and the African-Americans, both
free and slave, (done by both Colonial and British Armies). The atrocities committed
by both sides extend well beyond anything we attribute to our revolution. As
Hoock points out, Americans like to think our armies as noble, fighting with
honor and valor, always on the side of right. But Hoock demonstrates with
direct prose that both sides used brutality to achieve their ends.
Although academic, Hoock prose reads easily and quickly. He
uses original source material, current scholarship, and rational deduction.
This book is an excellent addition to anyone’s collection of books on the Revolution.
It provides a unique perspective on the history of the war.
Note: I received this book free via LibraryThing's Early Review Program in exchange for my fair and honest opinion
Bookmarks: 3.5 of 5
Awards: None
ISBN: 978-0-8041-3728-7
Year Published: 2017
Date Finished: 11-18-2017
Pages: 558
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