Synopsis: In 2003, the US invaded Iraq, including Basra. Shortly after, journalist Shaila K. Dewan found a story about the Library of Basra. Alia Muhammed Baker, the librarian, managed to save 70% of the library, with only the help of her neighbors and family. This storybook is based on a true story.
Review: With bright bold illustrations, Winter relays the story of Alia Muhammed Baker, the courageous librarian of Basra. Plain text and simple vocabulary make the book suitable for younger readers but the subject matter isn't light. The story is clear - the library was destroyed in bombs dropped by the US Military during the early days of the Iraq War. It is an important story, one what shows one of the many casualties of war. Worth reading to children, to help them understand war. It would be best if an adult reads with them to answer questions and explain the issue.
Bookmarks: 4 of 5
Awards: None
ISBN: -15-205445-6
Year Published: 2005
Date Finished: 4-23-2018
Pages: 30
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