Synopsis: Charmingly insidious and satisfyingly devious, these 100 baffling little mysteries—selected by such prominent authors as Isaac Asimov—are just the thing to suit your most malevolent mood. These tales come from the pen of many well-known writers in the field, including Michael Gilbert, Edward Wellen, Edward D. Hack, Bill Bronzini, Lawrence Treat, and Francis Nevins, Jr. Whether it’s “The Unfriendly Neighbor,” or a “Class Reunion,” “A Recipe for Revenge,” or “An Exercise in Insurance,” these stories are sure to keep you up all night, puzzling over their possible solutions. Each one has its own particular and irresistible appeal: an unexpected twist, a delectable puzzle, a devastating revelation, or perhaps even a refreshing display of pernicious spit. (From the online description)
Review: This is a deliciously thrilling collection. Each story is unique enough so they don't blend together. There are some murder mysteries, horrors, well-known faces and people with no names. Past and Future and Present all appear and no one is who they say they are. My favorites, of the 100, were Trick or Treat by Judith Garner, "Wide O-" by Elsin Ann Graffam and "The Witches in the Closet" by Anne Chamberlain. But their wasn't a story in the bunch I didn't enjoy. Highly recommend for a quick taste of mystery and macabre.
Bookmarks: 7 of 10
Awards: None
ISBN: 0-88029-169-7
Date Finished: 2-26-2014
Pages: 432
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