Review: So far, this is my least favorite of the Starbridge novels. It starts slow and never really picks up. The romance is contrived and improbable and there is way too much technically jargon about land faults and earthquakes and tectonic plates. I was also disappointed there wasn't more about the Na-Dina culture. There was some and I enjoyed, but for being on the Na-Dina homeworld, you didn't see much of their daily life. I was pleased with the bits you did see - in particular the gender discussions between the Na-Dina and human characters. The who-dunnit part was well done, if a bit obvious. Overall, this is a decent story - just not as good as the other novels in the series.
Bookmarks: 6.5 of 10
Awards: None
ISBN: 0-441-00351-6
Date Finished: 2-7-2014
Pages: 304
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