Saturday, February 15, 2014

Review: The Living Rain Forest: An Animal Alphabet by Paul Kratter

Synopsis: The Living Rain Forest helps teach about the rare, diverse, and beautiful animal life of the rain forest. This book features just a few of the millions of species of animals found only in tropical rain forests. Some of the animals, like the jaguar and macaw, are familiar sights. Others, like the uakari and the zorro, are so rare that little is known about them. The fantastic illustrations are done in acrylic and watercolors. Included with the A to Z animals are a description of the layers of the rain forest and a world map of rain forest locations. Each animal is given a brief description, including physical attributes and behaviors. (from the back of the book)

Review: This is a clever little alphabet book. It's a strange book, really. Usually alphabet books are simple, most pictures with a few small words. In this book, the pictures are detailed and gorgeous and the prose is complex. Big words, like aquatic, nocturnal, and predator, fill the sentences (and then are defined just below the main paragraph). This is an excellent book for a parent to read to a child. And the information is interesting and well-presented. My only qualm is the child who needs to learn the alphabet wouldn't be able to read ANY of the prose. Still, it's a good book and I'm glad I bought it.

Bookmarks: 6.5 of 10

Awards: None

ISBN: 0439906938
Date Finished: 2-13-2014
Pages: 34

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