Synopsis: In
this latest caper featuring reluctant sleuth Gina Gallo, strange things
are happening in Steeltown. A body shows up in the trunk of Gina’s car. Another
is mistakenly shipped to her cousin Nico’s new store. And then Gina and Nico stumble
across a stash of empty coffins. Worse, everything mysteriously points to her
own retired relatives at the Holy Cannoli Retirement Home! (from the back of the book)
Review: This
is a quick, fun, easy read. Campbell had a knack for witty dialogue and
memorable characters. None of her characters are deep and complex, but they
feel each have a unique feel and don’t all run together. Her descriptions of
several of Gina’s family members had me giggling. But Campbell’s strength is
certainly her dialogue. Particularly, the banter between Gina and her fiancé,
Pete. I laughed out loud at a few point due entirely to her dialogue. The story
has a good mix of action, romance, and mystery – although the mystery parts get
solved rather quickly. Expected, I suppose, for a “rapid read”. Given the
length, there isn’t room to really develop the mystery well enough to “hook”
the reader. I was never on the edge of my seat wondering who done it. But I enjoyed
reading about the character’s antics and that smoothed over the lack-luster
mystery part. Over all, it’s an enjoyable read, perfect for a day at the beach or
poolside, along with a cold cocktail and a cannoli!
Note: I received this book free as part of LibraryThing's Early Reviewer Program in exchange for my fair and honest opinion.
Bookmarks: 7 of 10
Awards: None
ISBN: 978-1-459810-532
Year Published: 2016
Date Finished: 2-20-2016
Pages: 130
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