Synopsis: This interesting and inspiring book reflects the fact that the author lives in the mountains of Switzerland at the world-famous L'Abri Fellowship. Highlighting the spiritual dimensions of life, it mirrors the concern of the Fellowship estabished by Dr. and Mrs. Francis Schaeffer. Woven into these devotional thoughts aer true stroeis which read like fiction - like the one about the confused opera singer who found true peace at L'Abri. There are apt and pointed illustrations of spiritual truths - like the one which related an interesting conversation between Francis Newman and John Nelson Darby.
(from the back of the book)
Review: This is slightly dated, but still helpful. The stories are sweet and slightly fluffy, and Carlson's writing is a bit meandering and sometimes the story that starts the devotion doesn't really relate to the point of the devotion by the end. But, she has points worth thinking about, and the truth she promotes is Godly. Worth reading.
Bookmarks: 7 of 10
Awards: None
ISBN: None
Year Published: 1970
Date Finished: 2-2-2016
Pages: 100
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