Synopsis: During World War II, the rigid lines between men's and
women's work were challenged. While men were away at war, women were asked to
help their country by taking jobs that were once considered male occupations.
(from the online description)
Review: This is a sharp, intelligent book that discusses how
American women meet the challenges of being at home during World War II. With
fifteen million American men overseas and the vast industrial giant of America
charging headlong into the production of planes, ships, jeeps, ammunition, and
other requires war supplies. Women, who had only before been relegated to
teaching and shop-clerk, suddenly found themselves welding, riveting,
accounting, using metal pattern machines and manufacturing ammunition.
Sinnott highlights the obstacles women faced. Women who had
never before managed money, held their own bank accounts, written their own
checks, where suddenly managing the finances for their households. Working 8-10
hour shifts, they also were expected to maintain pristine homes and supply home
cooked meals, forged from coupon rationing and limited supplies They need to
care for children, knit socks for soldiers, buy bonds, work in factories – and look
pretty while doing it. It was exhausting work, but it also introduced women to
a wider world, a world of freedom and independence and gave them
self-confidence. Nothing would ever be the same.
Sinnott’s prose is interspersed with pictures of women
working, advertisements, celebrities, and other historical pictures. The
pictures help bring the prose to life. Sinnott’s writing is clear and
accessible, but has a bitter tinge to it. She clearly feels that the women were
treated poorly, that the impossible was expected of them, and they received
only disrespect and mockery when it was over.
This is an excellent book on this subject but I would advise
to include discussion on the subject with young readers. It is important to
temper Sinnott’s bitterness with understanding and to explain why and how these
things were, how they have changed, and how they have not.
Bookmarks: 7 of 10
Awards: None
ISBN: 0-531-20198-8
Year Published: 1995
Date Finished: 12-26-2016
Pages: 63
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